So, I've kind of held back my criticisms of Hillary Clinton until now. I wanted to watch her drown in her negative, "kitchen sink" tactics, and multiple personalties... but now she is taking it a little too far.
Her campaign thus far has been responsible for doing the following:
1. Calling Barack Obama a drug-user
2. Releasing pictures of Obama in traditional African dress (turban), during a visit to the Africa, and implying that he was a Muslim.
3. Clinton called Obama's use of a Deval Patrick quote, one of Obama's top advisors, plagarism.
4. When Clinton was asked if she thought Obama was a Muslim, she said 'There is no reason, to my knowledge, to believe he is,' but she did not absolutely deny the notion that he was Muslim.
5. Clinton also said that both McCain and herself had vast foreign policy experience, while Obama had a speech in 2002. Implying that John McCain would make a better President than Barack Obama.
6. Accusations of an Obama advisor's 'back room' dealings with the Canadian government in regards to NAFTA. The Clinton campaign called it NAFTA-Gate, and stated that the Obama campaign held the meeting to tell Canada that they were not really going to change NAFTA.
7. Clinton also accused Obama of seedy real estate dealings with Tony Rezko, a man on trial for several felony charges.
8. Compared Obama to Kenneth Starr when he pressed for Clinton to release her tax returns. Saying he was acting like a Republican.
9. Clinton also accused Obama of making positive statements about Ronald Reagan.
10. Clinton has also gone on record to say that she is considering Obama for the Vice President spot.
11. Today one of Clinton's top advisors said that Obama would not be in the position he is in if we was a white man or woman. Stating that Obama only has a shot at presidency because he is black.
Now, let's look at the facts:
1. Obama has admitted to some drug-use in his late teens and early twenties. Obama has been truthful about this topic. I guess since Bill Clinton "didn't inhale" it gives the Clinton's the right to judge.
2. Obama, like most dignitaries, wore the traditional dress of the region he was visiting. In this case it was Africa. Clinton was fear-mongering when she used the picture to raise suspicions of him. It apparently was ok for her to wear traditional garb when she visited.
3. Clinton's claim that Obama's message was "change you can Xerox" referring to his use of a Deval Patrick quote in some of his speeches. This was truly ludicrous. First, who actually says "Xerox" anymore? You make copies now. My Grandparents might say Xerox, but no one under the age of 60 says this anymore. Second, Deval Patrick is one of Obama's top advisers, and he gave Obama the idea of using the line. How can it be plagiarism, if you are given permission to use it? Besides, it looks like Senator Clinton has "Xeroxed" a little herself.
She has even taken Obama's "Yes We Can" slogan, and altered it to "Yes She Will." Can they not even write their own slogan?
4. Clinton, knowing full well that Obama has attended the same Christian Church for 20 years, did not deny that Obama was a Muslim in absolution, but rather used a qualifier, 'to my knowledge,' to raise doubt. This act is insulting to Obama, a Christian man, and to Muslims. Is Clinton saying that there is a problem with being a Muslim?
5. I always like it when Clinton talks about her vast foreign policy experience...where is it? When has she ever had to handle a foreign policy crisis, or answer the red telephone? The truth is she hasn't, and for her to say that John McCain would make a better President than Barack Obama is shameful.
6. NAFTA. Please remember Bill Clinton signed NAFTA, yet Hillary all of a sudden opposes it. Her campaign accused Barack Obama of having a back alley deal with Canada to not touch NAFTA. Strangely, less attention was given to the disclosures in Canada, after the primaries of course, that the Clinton campaign had given similar assurances to the Canadian government despite Clinton's tough talk on NAFTA.
7. Ahem, I'm sorry the Clinton's being preachy about seedy real estated dealings? Whitewater!!! Jim McDougal...felony...prison....Bill Clinton's impeachment and disbarment. Besides, unlike Whitewater there is absolutely no evidence that the dealings between Obama and Rezko were illegal.
8. Obama has released his tax returns, Clinton has not. Obama pushed the issue, and he gets compared to Kenneth Starr, a republican. What is Hillary hiding?
9. Obama made statements about Reagan:
"I don't want to present myself as some sort of singular figure. I think part of what's different are the times. I do think that for example the 1980 was different. I think Ronald Reagan changed the trajectory of America in a way that Richard Nixon did not and in a way that Bill Clinton did not. He put us on a fundamentally different path because the country was ready for it. I think they felt like with all the excesses of the 1960s and 1970s and government had grown and grown but there wasn't much sense of accountability in terms of how it was operating. I think people, he just tapped into what people were already feeling, which was we want clarity we want optimism, we want a return to that sense of dynamism and entrepreneurship that had been missing."
Hardly praising Reagan's policy but his effectiveness at tapping into the public.
Hillary and Bill have praised Reagan numerous times.
(Reagan) "played the balance and the music beautifully." - Hillary
Bill Clinton praised Reagan's "rhetoric in defense of freedom" and his role in "advancing the idea that communism could be rolled back."
Let me go on to say that I don't think this is really a big issue. In my mind there is nothing wrong with talking about Reagan's effectiveness, his policies perhaps, but he was a good leader. I included this to show the hypocrisy of the Clinton rhetoric.
10. This is perhaps the most ridiculous of Clinton's actions. Usually the winner picks the Vice President...and I'm sorry to break it to herbut she's a lot.NBC has Obama ahead by 149 delegates. He is ahead in the popular vote, and he has won more states. Also, Clinton has repeatedly said that Obama is not ready for executive office, yet he is qualified to be Vice President? A heartbeat away from the Presidency. Clinton is trying to win over some voters who don't know which candidate to choose, but people have to look at her in her entirety. These statements are either completely contradictory, or bi-polar.
11. This last statement was made by Geraldine Ferraro, one of Clinton's top advisers. This statement, in my opinion, is monumentally more offensive than the "monster" comment made by the Obama aide. To say that they only reason Obama is a viable candidate is because he's black is ignorant and offensive. Ferraro should be fired by the Clinton campaign, but she won't because Obama won't whine like Clinton did about the "monster" comment. In fact, the Clinton campaign hasn't rejected Ferraro's comments at all. There is starting to be a pattern, Clinton allows her aides to make extremely divisive, offensive comments, and then slap them on the wrist...or in this case do nothing at all. What difference does it make, the damage has been done.
Besides, where would Hillary be if she hadn't stayed with her cheating husband? Sometimes I wonder at which point she sold her soul, and other times I find myself pitying her decision to do so.
Do you really want this person answering the red phone at 3am? I want her bi-polar ass as far away from that phone as possible.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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